- A solid (foldable) A-frame welded aluminium construction made out of bespoke extrusion profiles
- One unit measures 1000mm wide, 1250mm deep and 1200mm high
- A rounded top rail and welded end caps for the audience’s comfort & and safety
- A punched tread plate prevents liquids from pooling
- An elevated rear step gives security personnel better visibility and makes lifting people in distress over the barrier easier
- Top and bottom pins provide for easy setup and alignment
- Clever design enables handling without the risk of trapped fingers
- Internal solid blocks allow for added strength and easy insertion of pins and bolts, as well as an improved lifespan of the whole unit
- Locking lips maintain the unit’s upright stability in unbolted condition
- Straight sections interconnect, under normal conditions, at the bottom on either side by one standard Dutch Barrier bolt
- Also available with black upright, braces and step
- Weight 35,4kg
- Stored and travel per 10 units in a bespoke stainless steel dolly
- Use in high crowd pressure areas: ●●●●● 5/5
Testing was done at a minimum of 5kN/m pressure at the top rail, following and exceeding the Temporary Demountable Structures Edition 4 guidelines by the Institution of Structural Engineers (ISE). TUV reports for each test are available at Dutch Barrier & Dutch Barrier Services upon request.